I was lucky enough to have three parents and each one taught me valuable life lessons. My mom taught me how to raise little people, which is currently being used to smother a four legged creature with more love than he deems comfortable. Both my dads taught me how to hustle and not to mix whiskey and beer. Unfortunately I had to figure out laundry on my own, which has led to pink socks on multiple occasions.

I grew up pretending to be other people, which has turned into a career of pretending to be other people.  I used to force my brother to practice vampire hunting with me but that promptly ended when I accidentally kicked him in the kahunas.

I also love writing. I never had an imaginary friend growing up but I’ve created enough to populate a small country.





I spent 30 days filming in India as a drug addict and have committed suicide twice. I’ve been the perfect roommate and an argumentative wife. I’ve been sweet and psycho but my favorite is a combo of both. Watch me create a character.

Credits include theater, tv and film.